Saturday 20 August 2016

Thank You Body Form! #PeriodPride

(Some quarter to four musings about adverts)

Just seen the new (well I say new, first time I've seen it) advert for Body Form sanitary towels and I was actually really fucking impressed! No sarcasm, believe it or not, I'm actually praising something for once. Regular readers who enjoy rants may be disappointed but bare with me, there will be ranting about other sanitary products.

I currently can't find a YouTube link for the ad or any news articles on it but a little research has shown that Body Form are getting good on their adverts and steering away from the traditional shying away from menstruation that a lot of others tend to do. (I'll edit and add these in when I find them).

Like I say it's almost four in the morning, sat up watching telly before bed and the advert comes on the telly. I'm so used to seeing adverts for sanitary products and wanting to tear my fucking hair out!! Fair enough there has been a big move towards pseudo-feminist advertising of products aimed towards women/those in need of sanitary products/other femme products; however their main message is that you can only be an awesome, confident lady type IF you buy their products. While there's still a lot of this I'll finish that ramble and get into my main point.

This is the first advert where I've seen a sanitary product being USED.

Now some readers may recoil in horror here I don't mean used as in being bled on, I mean used as in being applied to underwear. It may seem silly but this is a big step forward, and a huge leap from that awful blue stuff that is always used in ads to show how absorbent something is. Seriously, why is it blue!? If your vagina is producing anything blue that you can't account for (example: this week I'd been wearing new jeans after their first wash and things got a little indigo in the knicker department) then PLEASE SEE A GYNO!!

It was just nice to see for a change that yes, those of us who have periods tend to get them in our underwear department (hard to believe I know!!). It was such a nice surprise that I actually had to rewind the TiVo and show my partner the bit where the pad is applied to the knickers. And that such an important part of the menstrual cycle isn't being overlooked.

Now there will be a part two to this on my issues with the majority of sanitary products - bleach, chemicals, the pharmaceutical side of it etc - but as it's just past 4 now I'll leave you on this nice one and go to sleep feeling a little better than I did earlier!

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