Thursday 22 December 2016

You Know You're A Weird Feminist Type When...

 So some of you may have saw the recent picture I posted. I'm sorry to disappoint (or perhaps reassure!) you but nope, there's no baby. And a good thing too, I'd be a rubbish parent; plus there's a lot of doubt about my fertility as it is but that's another story for another time. I do feel very mean actually, it was Paul's idea but I asked some friends and they liked the idea too.

 A few weeks ago, after having a Mirena coil for four years I lost a fight with a tampon and it ended up stuck in my cervix. It was so, so painful. It was a relief to get it out but at the same time I was worried about what i'd do for birth control. I must admit after several days without hormones I felt better than I have in years, mental health wise. So I opted for a copper coil, which I had fitted today. Being a little scared I asked Paul to come with me. The staff at the New Croft Centre were absolutely lovely, and very reassuring.

 As my last one had slipped I was given an ultrasound to double-check it was in the right place. Paul joked that we should get a print out of it, as with not wanting children we laughed that it would probably be the only ultrasound we'd see together. The doctor must've overheard as when she gave me my pad and my painkillers I was also given two lovely prints.

It made me think though, you always see pictures on social media of things in people's uterine - generally babies. And I really like the idea of celebrating not having a baby in there. I'm currently very groggy, in a lot of pain, and probably not in a good mind set, but I like having reproductive control over my body ❤ hooray for birth control!